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Statement from the North Wales PCC following the 2021 Budget announcement


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“Earlier this year I shared my disappointment on how police officers were betrayed with a 0% pay offer. The past 18 months have seen the most difficult working conditions for police officers; with officers in North Wales, and across the UK, going above and beyond in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Following the recent announcement set out within the Budget, I am pleased to learn of the news that the public sector pay freeze will be lifted. This will mean that police officers and staff within our force will see a pay increase next year, following a decade of real-terms pay cuts.

Whilst I welcome this news, I am disappointed that the Government expect this pay increase to be funded by our local communities through the precept.  Any pay increase should be properly funded by central Government.  I look forward to receiving further clarification in the provisional Policing Settlement in December.

As Police & Crime Commissioner for North Wales, I will continue to work to ensure the voice of our police officers and staff is heard.

Diolch,Andy Dunbobbin.